Where did I come from?

I am a shopping addict. I'm also a foodie, a music nerd, love to entertain and have tons of fun, and have ADHD. I'm also completely broke thanks to the wonderful world of higher education and graduate level academia. Did I mention I also love tea time?

Initially I started this blog to chronicle my struggles in graduate school while trying to maintain a decent lifestyle of good cooking, entertainment, and shopping. Growing up I watched my parents transition from not having a lot to never being without. I also went to college with $15 a week food budget and with $4 bank balance, shopping at the thrift store for "new clothes" became the only way I could afford to get my kicks. So I know how to pinch pennies while wanting to look like a million bucks.

Then my life changed a whole lot and the purpose of this blog didn't really seem to fit anymore, but I didn't want to give up writing. While I may not be a creative writer, intent on publishing poetry and short stories, or an angsty teenager in need of a place to vent my dark feelings about myself and society, writing is still something I very much enjoy. When I don't write, I miss it. Now I blog partly to be able to write and have an outlet that has nothing to do with academic paper and partly to keep a log of the things I make, places I've been to, and life as a whole. Updates may be sporadic, but it's not about putting something out on a daily basis for the whole world to enjoy. It's about chronicling a journey.

Me and the real Lulu.
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